I think snakes get a bad rap. Sure there are some dangerous ones, but a person can go a long way simply by paying attention to their surroundings. And walk away from an area if you see a snake. Most of them would prefer to avoid you anyway.

You will see a variety of snakes out and about on this page. Many are rattlesnakes fo the Southwest.. And a shot or two of Nyoka just for fun. I started with the non-poisonous ones.
The majority after this will be rattlesnakes and other poisonous critters. I think you can handle it. They are only pictures after all.
See that wasn't too bad. I just happen to like taking picture of different subjects around me. I have never met a snake I did not like, but I can't say the same things about people. :)
Great pics! I especially liked the last one!
I get the feeling that many folks may prefer the last shot best. I am rather fond of the Kenyan Sand Boa.
YES! These are my favorite. I like that first one.
Good to know what folks like...
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